Rubber Plant

If you organize a plant fashion show then i believe that Rubber plant can sure be a show stopper. If you are wondering why I have chosen Rubber plant, then the answer to it is the large, waxy, emerald green leaves. Also its beauty is not limited to its outer appearances but to its easy care also. 

Rubber plants are easy gong plants and have very few requirements.

1. Its very easy to grow a rubber tree from a small sampling.
2. The light requirement can also be easily fulfilled by placing near a bright lighting window. 
3. The best way to water is to place the plant on a saucer filled with stones and water it once in a while according to the moistness in soil. Rubber plant will droop its leaves if the soil is dry, and they will turn yellow to brown when too wet and the last stage is they will fall. If any of these situations occurs, adjust your watering pattern.

To encourage leaf development, when a leaf fall make a simple cut in the node where the leaf used to be. Rubber trees can easily be pruned to control growth. When pruning or taking cuttings always make the cut at an angle.  Then, place the cutting directly into a good potting medium or place in a glass of water to root.

Another way of starting new rubber trees is through a propagation process called air layering.  This process is a little more involved but it is worth the effort.  To begin this process, one first selects a healthy branch and then pushes a toothpick through the stem where you would like to cut it back at.  Pack this area with premoistend Sphagnum moss and then cover with plastic wrap.  Once roots appear through the wrap, cut the stem off at the plastic wrap, remove the plastic wrap and plant.

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