Humity Tray for Bonsai

When ever caring for a bonsai tree or garden is talk about, people often focus on the tools and methods for shaping and arranging, where very little consideration given to watering and managing soil. But once a garden is in place, water or moisture is the only things that will keep it living.
Bonsai Juniper on Humidity Tray
Managing the hydration levels of the plants and soil is essential to keep the environment from getting too dry or too saturated. Too much or too little water can kill the your plant quickly.

There are variety of factors that will help you to determine how often and how much to water your bonsai trees. As there is no regular routine watering. Aa a  gardener you have to have all of the  relevant  facts about  the bonsai tree and its moisture needs.

- The type and the size of tree is very important is an essential aspect.
- The time of year and local climate (inside and out) will affect the watering amount and schedule.
- The type of soil is also a pivotal consideration.

Once all of these have been addressed, then it is up to you to keep a attention to your bonsai plant for its individual needs and patterns. The most basic information is to know when the soil is dry and water it accordingly.

Another importamt aspect to control water levels is for humidity or the dirp tray. All bonsai pots, regardless of size, have holes in the bottom. So, a humidity or drip tray is important to protect the surfaces of whatever the pot is placed upon. It is also helpful to make the optimum environment for the tree. Leaving at least some of the water in the drip tray allows for evaporation that will result in increased humidity in the air.

There are trays to fit every type of pot, size, material and style to fit the space where the bonsai garden is. Trays come in a wide variety of shapes as well. They can be ceramic, plastic and even marble. Oval, rectangular, square and round are all popular shapes for the drip trays. The sizes range from as small as 6 or 7” in diameter, to as big as 2’. They can be selected practically to contain and distribute water or aesthetically to make the bonsai garden look more distinct.

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